Created on October 3rd 2016
Second World War 1903-A3 Springfield Rifles
This model of 1903 Springfield was the answer to the vast demand placed on the arms industry in the USA. A version of the rifle that required cheaper materials and less time in production. Basically costing the country less all round to produce. Made by two companies during the war years, Smith-Corona and Remington. They can be found with either two or four groove barrels, mixed finishes, parkerised or blued. Stocked in American Black Walnut in three different patterns.
The last of the US Bolt Action Service Rifles issued by the US Army to its troops in World War Two. Chambered in the .30-06 government round, with a 5-shot internal staggered magazine and a Mauser bolt system. Grey parkerised finish to the majority of the rifle. The parkerised finish was a fabulous choice for the protection of the rifles as it has proved so effective in the long run. It is very rare to find a corroded example that was originally treated in this way – this is no exception. Condition is excellent. These rifles naturally fall into the category of “used or military surplus” but, out of all the nations weapons I have handled, these are always in a consistently better state. The US Army / government do treat their weapons in a different way when they reach the end of their service life. They actually sent them through the Arsenal for a final refit / inspection and then they were released through the Civilian Marksmanship program and had to be in good condition for that purpose. This is the main reason why it is possible to pick them up in such good condition. It is very rare to find anything to fault on them. The logic was they had to be in tip-top shoot-able condition so they could maintain a good standard of rifle shooting amongst the general population should they need to lead them all to war again in a hurry – so no good issuing them with a load of rubbish. Other countries however, often ended up with already used and battered stock which they had to make do with. By the time they are finished with their cast-off Enfields’ or Mausers they were usually in a pretty sorry state, with the exception of some of the North European countries. Also, feedback from many happy customers is starting to strongly indicate these simple, sturdy rifles are capable of a high degree of accuracy even for the average joe!
The next thing to consider in the history or the facts about what you are actually purchasing here is that this rifle was in truth an attempt to cut corners and produce the weapon, quicker, faster and at less expense to the nation. Usually this marks a down-turn in quality or reliability. This is the only rifle I know of where these measures actually resulted in a better weapon. There is no detraction form its current day usability as a result of the changes that were put into place. Even the reduction from 4 grove to two grove in the bore makes no difference to us as target shooters these days. The rifles are still easily able to do what we ask of them on the ranges. The other parts where milled and cast components were exchanged for stamped and rolled sheet metal parts also function perfectly well and are in no way lacking. In hanging the sighting arrangements they made it instantly easier to use and improved the geometry of the set up. It just so happens that an aperture sight is easier to use for older eyes! Altogether these make a fantastic addition to the military rifle collectors gun cabinet – a must have!
An excellent expedient to the War demand.
Items Found
- Excellent Smith-Corona A3 Rifle for WW2……………(F 1180)
- Remington built 03-A3 U.S. service rifle ……………… (F 1166)
- WW II US Model 03-A3 Rifle by Remington………………… (F 1197)
- WW II 03-A3 Smith-Corona US Service Rifle…………(F 1216)
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