Percussion Muff Pistol
Created on January 23rd 2025
A good turn-off or Muff Pistol in Percussion
If one were a Lady of some good repute and one had to be out late at night, on the arm of a fine gent, one might be carrying such a pistol, for self protection, on the lawless streets of the town or city. Easily concealed, often within a Lady’s hand warming muff, a pistol like this will give some brigand second thoughts about forcing himself upon said Lady’s person. A lack of law or a standing Police force meant it only wise to carry such a defence when navigating the dark streets and passing the gloomy alleyways on the way home. Easily drawn and cocked, a single shot at close quarters is going to ruin somebodys dastardly plan before the night is out. The ball which would be just under half an inch in diameter, will knock a brigand off his feet at least, if it doen’t dish out a fateful wound. The reprobate would also have the knowledge that, if hit by such a projectile, that the filth of his ragged garments would most likely kill him from infection. He would be facing a slow lingering death, if he did not die immediately.
Percussion was far more reliable than its predecessor the Flintlock, so misfires were a thing of the past. The pistol was easy to conceal, as only 7.1/2″ in overal length. It had rounded edges and a hidden trigger which popped down when pulling back the hammer to cock the weapon. In the right light the remains of the Damascus steel pattern can be seen on the 3″ barrel, though no colour remains. Checkered hammer spur for better purchasce. Rounded single piece walnut pistol grip. Vacant escutcheon.
The only hint of provenance is the upper tang engraving, which reads;- “JOHN CHARLTON / WOOLWICH” As this is not on the side plates it is reasonable to guess that this may be a retailer or Gentlemans Outfitter’s name as no results have been found upon research. Foiliate engraved side pannels. Turn key is absent. Lug remains under barrel between two London proofmarks. Mechanically sound. Grips good. A nice little collectible.
No Licence required.
£ 225.
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