Snider-Enfield Mk III Carbine for 1870

Created on March 19th 2025

Snider-Enfield Mk III Cavalry Carbine 

If you are into your history or appreciate a genuine piece of military history, then this humble carbine is packed with evidence of its travels.  So much so that I really can’t spend as much time on it as I would like to.  Every mark tells a story or adds to consolidate the information plastered all over this weapon.  New information is emerging all the time from freshly discovered sources, so it would be foolish to state that this script is the final word on the subject.  I can mearly describe what I have here and if the new keeper is so inclined, they will go on to discover even more – I am sure.

To the best of my knowledge, this trusty carbine ( with a big bark! ) started it’s story as an Enfield built .577 Snider Carbine in 1870.  It was purpose built from scratch as just this as it clearly shows the “III” mark number on the receiver ring.  This mark was produced with a new steel barrel and as such, if the intention might be to shoot this in the future, is the safest bet. (Re-proofing would be recomended by a UK proof house.) Currently this weapon is regarded as a section 58(ii) obsolete caliber Antique and as such no license is required to hold.  The weapon shows the normal plethera of British proof and inspection marks in all the right places and carries the serial number “6784” on the underside of the swinging breech block.

The flush superbly fitted lock-plate is marked to the rear with the Royal Cypher over the monograme of Queen Victoria. Forward of the hammer on the same is a “small crown over the inverted arrow / 1870 / ENFIELD. ”  During strip-down and clean a fantastic selection of marks were revealed on the reverse of the lock and all its components.  (Please see the indepth video to the clean and restoration on Youtube link below)  The complete weapon has been stripped cleaned and restored in the process of preperation during which even more marks were found within the barrel channel.

The RHS of the barrel, at the breech end, a mark that may hint  to the carbines “retirement years.” A clear “A 412” can be seen.  It is beleived that this may relate to a contract which Portugal ( a strong ally of Britian at the time)  struck with the British Government, involving the supply of shipment to their own army, after their use with the British.  This is further supported by the placing of non-British unit markings on the rear tang, below the usual War Department and Enfield markings already in position. These read “R 6 / A /43”.  To finally drive home that theory, it is obvious that the steel carbine ring at the end of the trigger graurd brass, is an addition.  It is thought that as this has been altered in such a professional manner and is substantial in design and execution, that this was done at the bequest of the purchasing power.  It consists of a sturdy forged steel ring in its own stock cut-out, which would have attached to a lanyard on the saddle, to deter loss from horseback.

Correct short carbine rear sight graduated from 400 to 600 yards, with an open V aperture. Single barrel band.  Many War Department arrows spotted on all the main fittings and screw heads.  Twin vacant screws either side of the rear sight for the leather protective cover – a/f. No cartouche appears on the RHS of the butt-stock.  Later locking swing block and superior wedge design secures block whilst firing.  Cartridge will eject by pulling breech block reaward, on a sliding pin mechanism, which springs back into position.  Loading and breech area clear of rust and dirt.  Left-hand twist 5-groove bore complete and in very good condition with only the most minor light indentations to the bright surface.  Most of the original finish has left the rifle long ago and now the surface is mostly grey to bright with small patches of mild colour in protected areas. OAL 37.1/4″.  Round barrel 19.1/4.”  Trigger Pull 13.1/4″.  A very honest Carbine which could have extras added to perfect at a later date.  A solid piece of history which smacks of excellent Victorian engineering at its best.

Antique – 155 years old : No License Required

£ 1175.

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