23rd 2024
The Trafalgar Fair at Bisley 2024

Posted under Events

A Dealers Perspective…………


So, for the first time five years I stalled out at the  Trafalgar Fair at Bisley.  Only really wanting to confirm that I am still in business and reconnect with my customers I was not actually expecting great things.
However, the Gods of The ancient Art of Shooting and Collecting had different plans for me.
The show was to be set up on the Friday then open to the public on Saturday and Sunday.
My good friend Shaun who used to live eat and breath Bisley lent me a tent and I set up in the camper for accommodation.  I have stayed away for some years for a multitude of reasons, mostly financial but Velma who organised things for the NRA persuaded me to return and was clear and professional about helping me into position to trade.
I like being out in a tent as opposed to the hall –  nothing personal just like to be outside despite the risk of the weather.
The response to the return of By Sword and Musket Ltd to the trading circuit was overwhelming.  I received nothing but positive feedback, friendly reunions and brisk trade.
I was personally unsure of the whole exercise but any reservations I had were firmly extinguished.  I was run off my feet.  It was great to meet up and chat to all my old friends and colleagues and some new ones.  We must concentrate on getting new blood into the trade and as customers if any of us are to survive as a pastime or even a business.
The overwhelming response was confirmation to continue building the business as always planned.  I was so busy I didn’t get time to photograph the stand whilst open.  If anybody wanted to talk with me but just didn’t get a chance please endeavour to contact me by all the regular means and I will be happy to talk with you.
The only photos I got were before or after the event.
By Sword and Musket will be taking to the road again for more shows.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to come and chat and of course all those who purchased. ( Don’t forget your notifications….)

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